Mediterranean Art: Emigration art: Florenses Gallery: The lost time poetry; Painter: Rosario FOGLIA, © copyright all rights reserved; www.florense.it: San Giovanni in Fiore, 2003/2004

The lost time poetry

Rosario Foglia

[... ] the state of diffused social suffering, the evanescence of the reverberated mirages from the residual hopes of the economic development, the institutional atrophy and the political degradation, the loss of ethnic and familial solidarity, the failure of the traditional culture, the condition, diffused and pervasive, of psychological suffering represent the pointers of a long period of an irremediable historical and anthropological defeat of the autochthon society which, decimated by the mass emigration, seems to be resigned by now to the extinction [...]

The restless alliance between psychopathology and anthropology

Salvatore Inglese

Every human being is thus unique and each Culture is precious; all the Cultures offer various and original fields of investigations of the reality. The preciosity of the cultural diversities is, for us of emigrati.it, a treasure to be kept carefully as the base for any human development.

Common roots and cultural diversification

Francesco Saverio Alessio

More I travel, grow, work, become cosmopolitan, more I tie to my origins, trusting in the idea that the development of the Man consists in the diversification of the Cultures, in its exchange in a pacific cohabitation, and not in their flatting imposed with the hunger and the war.

Florenses Passion

Francesco Saverio Alessio

Remembering Ellis Island on Columbus Day

Ro Pucci

Martin Scorsese and the American Cinema

Ro Pucci

Emigration Tragedies

Internet Logo of the Italians Emigrants Internet Association web site of culture, search, art, politics, science, antropology, poetry...with regard to emigration, immigration, intercultural, multicultural and global contamination,  working out in a Internet expansion, organizer group,  promoter to e-learning and Information Tecnology - first day online: 10 october 2003

The logo



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